Reopening the Tavern Scene
If you flip through enough GM guidance, you see repeated disdain for one fantasy-gaming trope in particular: the tavern opening. You know the one: You’re all sitting in a bar full of tough mercenaries, enjoying...
If you flip through enough GM guidance, you see repeated disdain for one fantasy-gaming trope in particular: the tavern opening. You know the one: You’re all sitting in a bar full of tough mercenaries, enjoying...
Game-Mastering Advice / Settings / The World of the Vault / World Building
November 10, 2019
City Adventuring / Game-Mastering Advice / Get Medieval
Get Medieval: The Village in the Middle Ages
October 28, 2014
City Adventuring / Settings / World Building
Introducing the Ludus Population Engine
October 21, 2014
Welcome to The Ludus, the School of Games We’re writing The Ludus for players and game-masters of tabletop fantasy role-playing… Read more…