Potions of Nap and Mana
We’ve been running a weekly collaborative D&D campaign since January using the Roll 20 system, and it’s been a great experience. The game is set in Oldstone, a crossroads city in a desert region...
We’ve been running a weekly collaborative D&D campaign since January using the Roll 20 system, and it’s been a great experience. The game is set in Oldstone, a crossroads city in a desert region...
Introduction Lord Blot is a sentient sphere of annihilation. It maintains a low profile in a remote area of a larger kingdom, where it enjoys both limited anonymity and territorial independence. Local rulers know it...
Practical Magic is an occasional series highlighting magic items and spells that concentrate more on adding flavor to the game than on being powerful. They make nice additions to the loot pile without breaking...
Practical Magic is an occasional series highlighting magic items and spells that concentrate more on adding flavor to the game than on being powerful. They make nice additions to the loot pile without breaking...
I’ll admit it. I love magic items. I’m having a bit of trouble adapting to the 5th edition’s new lean and mean magic item ratio. I get the rationale for avoiding the item bloat...
Note: Except for the artwork, the content of this article is designated as Open Game Content. (Click here for the license.) Part 3.5: Apotheosis Items In my previous piece on creating magic items that grow in...
Note: The text below continues from a previous article and its sequel. This installment constitutes Part III in the sequence. Avoiding Trouble There are four dangers adventurers should worry about while shopping for unusual equipment in a city:...
Note: The text below continues from a previous article, and constitutes Part II in a three-part sequence. Making a Deal. When you discover wonderful stuff in a marketplace — if you somehow get a great deal...
Fresh from a lucrative quest and loaded with gold, the adventurers have arrived in a city large enough to handle a thriving market. “I wonder if I can find someone who will sell me a...
by Lash Vance This column represents a different sort of voice for the Ludus — it’s the voice of a player, rather than the voice of a DM. Do you remember the very first...
Game-Mastering Advice / Settings / The World of the Vault / World Building
November 10, 2019
City Adventuring / Game-Mastering Advice / Get Medieval
Get Medieval: The Village in the Middle Ages
October 28, 2014
City Adventuring / Settings / World Building
Introducing the Ludus Population Engine
October 21, 2014
Welcome to The Ludus, the School of Games We’re writing The Ludus for players and game-masters of tabletop fantasy role-playing… Read more…